Tech Drama

Replacement Equipment Arrived
with the wrong operating system.
Posting will resume next week.

Will post later about environmental challenges and the Made in America confusion.

Lessons From A Reluctant Author

Run, Don’t Walk…

Lesson from a reluctant author

Lesson from a reluctant author

A new book by Adele Levine,
Run, Don’t Walk: The Curious
and Chaotic Life 
of a Physical Therapist
Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center,

has been compared with iconic TV
programs such as MASH.

But even though physical therapist
Adele Levine wrote humor articles
for the Washington Post, she had no
, interest in writing about other subject matt and
initially resisted suggestions to write about
work. Hear the circumstances that changedL
evine’s mind in this recent 47-minute C-Span
presentation. Levine’s new book weaves
hope and humor and helps dispel the
stereotypical view of injured soldiers.

The Q & A addresses the Walter Reed controversy and presents a riveting and highly informative look at the activities of soldiers who have lost limbs during rehabilitation. Amusing author’s background. page.

There are several, but one major theme is humor.
Levine has a talent that not all have but can incorporate
in their life and work in some way.
The trick is to figure out ways to do so.

Teachers Pay
Dee Adams’ Online Class A is for Author

Robin Williams

While writing the chapter on aptitudes for FYN, I wanted to use a perfect description to describe what I’d learned about the innate ability called Ideaphoria and no one but Williams instantly came to mind. No one seemed to match the electrifying uncanny skill set of Williams. Someone who could transform a simple three word greeting into a riotous comedic melody of hello.  A talent & humanitarian extraordinaire.

Promoting A Book And Blog Using Pinterest

Choosing the Right Tips and Tools

Download / By Caleb George Morris

Honestly, “Hell hath a tech department” pretty much sums up my feelings about the Web and the massive changes that the Internet dictates we must follow.

Hours spent handling tasks that should have taken less than an hour to complete,
But delayed by sudden software issues, Whoops, Oops and Error screens, Remember Me check boxes with faulty recall, incompatibility with platforms, unexplained login lockouts…sometimes for months, clear as mud user manuals. and a litany of other Techno Twilight Zone situations often commented on with a familiar phrase from tech support, “I have never heard of something like that happening before!”

The decision not to engage in social media platforms,
with the exception of my blog, in large part to curtail the list of
aggravations just described, was an easy one to make.

So when an email arrived last month about a free Pinterest Webinar,
Drive 122, 547 Targeted Visitors to Your Kindle Book.. I was less than thrilled.
Then I saw John Kremer’s name and paused.

I’d sought Kremer’s advice on my blog and books before and had not
forgotten he’d made suggestions, which I would not have thought of and had proved fruitful.
For example, his advice to contact a particular kind of site, which I did not initially think would work, had eventually resulted in thousands of visits.

But I later neglected blog marketing while I juggled other responsibilities. And I knew I had to find a strategy I could stick with on a regular basis.

John Kremer has a reputation as a go-to book-marketing expert. I reasoned that my turning down the offer would have been stupid. I decided to attend the webinar.

So glad I did!

Don’t get me wrong, social media and technology are not now my new BFF’s
But I like [dare I say love?] the overall Pinterest concept.
It’s a fun, educational, addictive, at times, exhausting hunt.
Time spent n my Windows XP laptop has increased exponentially
in my search for eye-grabbing images with an interesting or useful story.

Takeaways from the Free Drive Webinar
• Overview of Pinterest Popularity
• Pin creation Do’s and Don’ts
• Using the Pinterest as a marketing tool
• Q & A Pin frequency

The Drive webinar cut through the hype and buzz that I had previously tuned out.
Pinterest was not merely scrapbooking on the Web but could be used as an effective marketing tool that fits my skill set.

I studied my notes and wanted to learn more about the concept.
The search term “Pinterest Business Use How-to” listed 139 million hits.

A comparison of Drive notes versus an extensive number of online references; from articles to videos to forum sometimes revealed dated, contradictory or questionable content. Not even the Pinterest Guide or Terms of Service covered all the questions I had. So it’s little wonder that many people are confused about how to use the platform properly.

I was indeed grateful I’d taken the Drive webinar because I don’t think I would have signed up for Pinterest otherwise. In fact, based on some of the tips found, I thought the writers had to be joking if he or she thought I was going to follow the pinning schedule advised.

Creating or choosing impressive images for marketing purposes  o is not as simple as it seems. If, for example, one refers to the helpful Copyblogger primer  about Pinterest, understanding which tips would apply, and which ones to ignore or adapt is key.

Effective pinning involves marketing and communication skills, two areas that
require knowledge and training, or time-consuming trial and error.

There are still things about Pinterest that I don’t understand. Meanwhile, I will continue to pin and evaluate results. I have elected to try Pinterest on until I can replace my equipment and non-wireless hookup.
And the Drive webinar will be first on the list for training.

What was impressive was the value of the free content.
Check out the webinar information and free download.
Note: I do not receive a fee for mention of any organization or business in my writings.

First 30 Days:
Pinterest Results: 
Tiny, gradual, noticeable...
 Based on minimal pinning activity: And only a general idea of what the heck I’m doing, even using remarks heard on TV as inspiration for ideas for meaningful pins.

• Launched board “Tip Entrepreneurial” and gained a follower before I’d even posted content.
• Invited to join a Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) group board trio after the first few days of solo pinning.
• Gained six followers

• 29 notifications of repins or likes
• Despite several attempts, unable to get site verification and Pinterest analytics,
• blog traffic counter show visitor increase..
• TpT views: Increase at a faster clip than BP [Before Pinterest]. For example, a new product that had slowly climbed to 19 views jumped to 43 overnight, and the only explanation might be a YouTube that I’d pinned about graphic novel self-publishing.

Pinterest is a nifty teaching and educational tool. Not only for marketing an established blog or business product but the concept is a creative no-cost tool for the aspiring entrepreneur trying to decide on a business.

Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…


Note: Reference list revised
April 2015

Drive 122, 547 Targeted Visitors
to Your Kindle Book

Daniel Hall Webinars

56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest

9 Ways to Drive Traffic
Summary: Changes to the system

How Writers Can Use Pinterest
Note: Although written in 2013,
several useful references in the popular share.

Engineering 2014

All About Pinterest/KellyLieberman

How to Be Found on Pinterest/March 2015
Note: Topics include changes on Pinterest
015, and statistics about the growing interest
of men in the platform.

Business News
Pinterest Business Guide

5 Pinterest Mistakes
Businesses Should Avoid
Oh So\

33+Tips, Tricks & Resources for Copyright Beginners

Avoiding Infringement Disputes

Download / By Nicola Perantoni

Starting a Pinterest account convinced me that I’d better learn more about copyright rules. Especially, when I couldn’t easily find the answer to the question: Is it permissible to use an image with a pin symbol found on the Web on my blog post?

The topic was not clearly addressed online as far as I could see. And studying the copyright issue in-depth revealed an endless supply of stories worthy of a reality TV show.

Theft, infringement, piracy, pilfering, or plagiarizing of someone else’s creative work is a practice that has been around for centuries.

From Romeo and Juliet to 1.5 million copies of Uncle Tom’s Cabin pirated in the 1850s.

But pick any century and examples are plentiful.

Today, the Internet has amplified the problem and created a large club. For instance, in 2010, the copyright protection service estimated that 75,000 sites had infringed more than 100,000 times in a particular month.

Murky copyright laws have contributed to the problem. Some people infringe because of an honest mistake. But others do so with deliberate intent.

And many cases are outrageous.

▪ Bob Krist, an award-winning freelance photographer, has traveled the world for publications, such as National Geographic and the Smithsonian, and routinely has found his photographic paintings plastered over the Internet.

“Most sites just pilfer the photos and very few… ask for permission, and even fewer, like just about nobody, ask permission to use them and offer to pay for using them,” Krist reveals.

▪ Take the story of marketing consultant Linda Carlson, author of Advertising with Small Budgets for Big Results.  While reading a weekly paper that published her Q & A column, she noticed an ad for a pamphlet. It was her material, an entire chapter from one of her books stolen and repackaged…word…for… word.

The publication refused to run more ads for the pamphlet killing sales, writes Carlson, who notes the incident, took place in the pre-Internet era.

An ideal introduction to marketing tools and strategies, Advertising with Small Budgets for Big Results
Source: Linda

Carlson’s Copyright Tip: “Another excellent way to track such piracy is with Google Alerts.

Set up an alert for something in your content that may be a little offbeat, and Google will report whenever it finds that say, reprinted on someone’s website.”

▪ Consider the account of a veteran educator Shelley Heisler owner of The Teaching Bank: “I was burned pretty badly by [a company I had an eight-year relationship with], and I was unable to sue because I didn’t have my units [teaching materials] registered. I wish I could go back in time and register so I could have sued and found justice in their violation of my work.”

▪ And there is my case: Back in 2008, I contacted an official and sent him 25 pages of a revised version of Finding Your Niche. He later began calling and wanted to see the entire book and encouraged me to complete what was a time-consuming long-delayed project.

He agreed to review the entire work and offer feedback. When the project was completed, I sent a gift certificate for the eBook from a large independent bookstore, but he called to say that he had spent hours with the download and customer service but could not download the title.

Horrified that he had wasted so much time, I immediately ordered a custom-bound copy, sent via FedEx, and followed up a week later with a phone call…Never heard from him again.

What he wanted was the manuscript.

My original work was registered with the copyright office, but what a nightmare. Since he was quoted in the book, I had to pull it offline and pay to revise and remove all references.
I could not risk someone else contacting him because of my book.

In retrospect, without adding more details about the person, I don’t know what I could have done differently. The Gentleman, in a reputable position, seemed above reproach.

The lesson here is that no one is above reproach and theft of creative property may come from some faceless person on the Web or from someone who you believe is trustworthy.

Quick Quiz
Do you know the answers?

1. When the copyright violator is a non-profit, accountability is lessened.   T or F?
2. Images or creative content before 1921 is public domain material         T or F
3. Federal and State government material is in the public domain               Tor F?
4. “Out of print” is synonymous with “public domain”                                    T or F
5. Which of the items a-g have been involved in copyright conflicts?

Circle the answers you believe are correct.
a. Unpublished manuscript
b. Tree
c. Cow
d. Footprints
e. Unpublished diaries
f.  Old newspaper photos

Answer Key

This is the strangest answer key I’ve ever posted,
but it illustrates how confusing the subject can be at times.

1. F

2. True and False, The content in question may be
restricted in some manner.

3. True or False. The documents may include photographs
or other literary work prepared by a subcontractor who holds the copyright.

4. F

4. Technically, a-b, d-g.

And the answer to the Pinterest stumper is yes and no…
Pinterest cannot grant rights outside their domain,
but if the copyright holder agrees then…

Independent Book Publishers Association
Summary: Do you know who’s using your content?
Tactics for finding out
February 2010, Linda Carlson.

Independent Book Publishers Association-Online
Summary: Has your copyright escaped notice? Six questions
you probably never thought to ask.

Janet Lambert

Independent Book Publishers Association-Online (ibpa)
Summary: Republishing Realities: Advice from the trenches.
The article Includes details about Image Cascade Press and their struggle, along with the legal owner of the rights, to stop the unauthorized publishing of a series of books penned by the copyright holder’s mother, now deceased, actress and military wife Jane Lambert.

March 2014.

Shelley Heisler’s Blog
Summary: The importance of protecting Intellectual Property
Summary: The site includes a montage of jaw-dropping
shots from around the world

Tuscan town ties to copyright landscapes

USA Today Article
Summary: Contests seek unfair intellectual property rights

Ironies About The Photo Biz
Photo Fragging***.
Summary: How dancing footprints triggered a lawsuit

Shepard Fairey

Pinterest Heads Up
Be aware that a Pinterest symbol on any image found on a website does not automatically signify the owner wants his or her images pinned. It may mean they forgot to block or in some cases were unaware their images were showing as pinable.

7 Sites Experts Suggest images
Summary: Pixabay, one of several sites referenced in an article listing
free stock photo sources.

Note, some of
the photographers request credit
in return for use of their images.
Summary: Royalty free and low-cost

Fine Art
Summary: “Pinterest enables copyright theft on a Global Scale.”
Discussion of the downside of the Pinterest concept
and the love-and-hate attitude that many artists have about the platform.

Google Images Advanced
Choose options from search usage rights, including
“free to use” or share, even commercially.”
Note: Place keywords into the search box at,
1. Go to the gear wheel, upper right corner of the results page,
and click 2. Advanced Search,  3. scroll down to Usage Rights.

Also, see Support usage rights
Summary: Using Google Images Can Cost You $8,000
Summary: Piracy police hijack ads
on copyright-infringing websites.

Nolo Q & A
Dear Rich blog.blogspot/2013
Summary: Can I use old newspaper articles and photos?

When Someone Steals Your Great Business Idea
Note: Noncopyright issues
Summary: Righthaven:
Saving the newspaper industry one lawsuit at a time
Summary: Attributor’s anti-piracy trial begins/in February 2010
Summary: Prevent content theft

Summary: 5 Reasons Plagiarism Detection Difficult/2013
Summary: Organizations
and businesses protest copyright proposals.
Summary: Popular copyright myths

Public domain

Wall Street
Summary: How to use Pinterest without breaking the law.
Don’t get stuck Pinterest lawyers to warn.


Students Get $5000 Legal Demand for Using CC Image on a Blog: Pay attention to the terms of the license! Medium, Susie Kearley, October 26, 2022
C-Span………90 Min
Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free……Cory Doctorow
Summary: Boing Boing associate editor and
science fiction author discusses copyright conflicts
and tech issues facing creative industries and solo artists
in today’s world. Interesting Q & A.
Cory Doctorow: A New Deal for Copyright


Mystery Author Inspires StartUp Idea Worth Billions

E. G. Lutz
Still in his teens, a would-be entrepreneur discovered Animated Cartoons, How They Are Made, Their Origin and Development, 1920s,  the book credited with giving Walt Disney the idea to start a business.

Written by cartoonist and author, E. G. Lutz, born 1868(?). Curiously, historians report little is known about the artist, Edwin George Lutz and even his date of birth is questioned. But Lutz wrote books about drawing and animation and worked as a cartoonist creating projects for the children’s market.

Today, the vision of Walt Disney continues. In 2013, according to the company’s annual report, Walt Disney took in a few dollars before expenses…more than 45 billion…

Takeaway lesson:
What book [or books] were favorites or left a lasting impression?  Why? Create a checklist of answers. And clues to values, experiences and path may well unfold.

Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library

For more details, about Lutz T

he Open

The Walt Disney Company
Annual Report 2013pdf Note: Probably the only company with an annual report that may bring a chuckle when you see the cover page.

Inspirational Japanese Art with English Translations

14 Famous Western Inventors, Artists And Scholars
Six English translated Japanese prints include Palissy, Audubon, Arkwright, Heathcoat, Watt. And each illustrates a story of hardship and triumph. Produced by the Japanese Department of Education in 1873, according to library

Eight other colorful illustrations can be viewed, but with astoundingly bad Google translations, so figuring out what the foreign language prints say might be an interesting project. Two examples included below.


“The Frenchman Palissy wanted to make nice china. His wife and kids got very upset with him when he started throwing their furniture into the kiln(?) to feed it. But finally he succeeded.” – See more at:

William Lee

Benjamin Franklin

Summary: Entire print collection and backstory

Bernard Palissy

Complete Japanese Transcriptions