14 Famous Western Inventors, Artists And Scholars
Six English translated Japanese prints include Palissy, Audubon, Arkwright, Heathcoat, Watt. And each illustrates a story of hardship and triumph. Produced by the Japanese Department of Education in 1873, according to library
Eight other colorful illustrations can be viewed, but with astoundingly bad Google translations, so figuring out what the foreign language prints say might be an interesting project. Two examples included below.
“The Frenchman Palissy wanted to make nice china. His wife and kids got very upset with him when he started throwing their furniture into the kiln(?) to feed it. But finally he succeeded.” – See more at: http://publicdomainreview.org/collections/japanese-prints-of-western-inventors-artists-and-scholars-1873/#sthash.r9Q9SRqn.dpuf
Summary: Entire print collection and backstory
Bernard Palissy
Complete Japanese Transcriptions
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