Q & A: Aptitudes and Technology


Q. Does technology and the internet change aptitudes?

A. No, because aptitudes are an innate ability.
What does change are tools used to perform
tasks and how aptitudes may be used.

Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…

Q & A: Funny or Unusual Business Ideas

Q &A: Funnu or unsual business ideas

Q: What’s the funniest or most unusual business
that you have found or thought up?

A. Well, in the funny category that
has to be Goat Yoga.
Most unusual was
a segment on Shark Tank in which the idea involved
mailing messages that were written on
potatoes to customers.
I still don’t understand that one.
A shark supposedly funded the idea!

The most unusual idea that I thought of was inspired
by the Bulwer-Lytton comical fiction writing contest.
The idea was to start a humorous business contest in which contestants would submit a wacky idea with a two sentence pitch.

The funniest most ridiculous submission would win a cash prize.

I thought the contest would be a great idea and fun way to promote Finding Your Niche, but I quickly dropped the idea when a veteran business counselor said that the marketplace would associate my book with wacky ideas.

Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…(Which has absolutely nothing to do with wacky business ideas.)