Black History in 2 Minutes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monument sculpture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. features his upper body, arms crossed over his chest with a rolled document in his left hand.


Editor’s note: The original 2:38 min clip from The View from the King Library went private. A replacement link appears below 2:05 min appears below. The video is part of a 27-minute NBC news interview.  The correct view count total of 12/26/24  for this post is 270.

In the rare color film clip of a 1967 TV news broadcast, Dr. King spoke about cultural and economic conditions in the 1860s  and the present-day legacy.

It is a blunt and powerful summary of facts missing from many modern history books. Facts that point to the roots of racial profiling.

Source: African Archives October 2024, 2:05 min.


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