Through her More Than Peach Project, a fourth-grader creates art kits with multiple skin tones.
This is a wonderful story about a then third-grader who first admitted to herself her discomfort over an issue in her classroom. As the only African American student, it was commonplace for other classmates to ask for the “skin color crayon” when they meant the Peach crayon.
Bellen’s solution was simple and brilliant: rather than talk to her classmates about diversity, she created multicultural skin tones art kits, so students could engage and learn for themselves that skin tones come in all colors. Not just Peach.
And she donated the kits to other schools because she recognized the need to educate and correct an assumption not solely confined to her classroom.
“Everyone should know they are important and included,” says Bellen Woodard.
Now that’s cool.
More than
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