Can You Guess the Answers?
In the Netherlands, you must study for four years if you want to become a florist. True or false?
Saran Wrap was successfully used in another industry before it was introduced to consumers as a food storage product. Do you know which industry?
Mecca is one of 12 places in the world where you won’t find a Kentucky fried chicken franchise. True or false?
Beyond Flowers. Gerd Verschoor. Image, San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, May 17, 1992, page 27.
*The military, during WW II, first used large, pliable sheets of translucent material to protect equipment shipped overseas for troops.
Freedom’s Forge:
How American Business Produced Victory in World War II
According to a geography professor, if you travel toMecca, lo and behold, you will find a KFC outlet.
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