Culture, Money, and Business Practices

Quiz This

True or False?
The Bahamas has a paternalistic culture that values American individualism and a casual laid-back style.  It’s a Caribbean culture that would be a good fit for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking a partnership agreement in the Bahamian business community.

If you traveled to the Caribbean, the island of St. Kitts, and *handed out $100 bills to strangers at the airport
A. You would be considered a hero and welcomed into the homes of islanders
B. The money would be returned
C. You would be arrested
*Based on a real incident

How much do you know about African American
entrepreneurs in the 21st century?
 This iconic musician heads the first African American Company
to have their product sold at Wal-Mart. Who is he?


The Bahamas is a matriarchal society and a collectivistic culture. This is in direct contrast to the individualism valued in America. All members of a particular business enterprise would have to agree to the joint venture; without 100% agreement, the joint venture would not move forward.

Although American culture is popular in the Bahamas, Bahamian business society adheres more to British etiquette, practices, and formality.

And when a well-known entertainer’s husband visited St Kitts
and handed out $100 bills at the airport, recipients returned the money.**

Lesson: Customs and culture differ greatly in other English-language countries.
Regardless of race, color, or creed. Not learning customs first can be costly and sometimes embarrassing for aspiring entrepreneurs.*

Lloyd Price, founder of Lawdy Miss Clawdy, which he named after his hit song, supplies a sweet potato cookie.


Lloyd Price Bio

YouTube Song
Lawdy Miss Clawdy

African American Woman CEO

*Research paper written for my small business class several years ago.

**C-Span      Feb.3 2013
In-depth with Randall Robinson


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