How Much Do You Know?
1. When you upload your artistic content to YouTube, you lose the copyright.
True or False?
2. During the 1940’s, widespread use of lard as cooking oil decreased, and lard was adopted for use in another industry. Can you guess how?
a. Cosmetic formulas
b. Pharmaceutical drugs
c. Munitions manufacturing
3. President Obama’s Job Creation act of 2012 expands the Self-Employment Assistance program (SEA) enabling people who receive unemployment benefits to start a business. Approximately how many job-hunters take advantage of this program each year?
a. 9,000
b. 15,250
c. 2,000
d. 34,000
Three seemingly simple questions that contain insightful answers.
1. True.
2. C; an example of how a product commonly used in one industry can be adapted for use in a new way.
3. 2,000 (C); a seemingly attractive government program that upon close examination may still require applicants to engage in a lot of hoop jumping.
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