Funny Business: Zoo, Bird, Books, School, Native American Humor

Humor in business and academic fields including, funny stories of real-world blunders, cartoons with business-related themes, photos, articles, videos, and books will be posted periodically under the category titled Funny Business.

Zoo’s resident bird mimics Beyonce

Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar from  30 funniest opening lines of books:

“We’re going to tell you about three of the children in Mrs. Jewls’s class, on the thirtieth story of Wayside School. But before we get to them, there is something you ought to know. Wayside School was accidentally built sideways. It was supposed to be only one story high, with thirty classrooms all in a row. Instead, it is thirty stories high, with one classroom on each story. The builder said he was very sorry.”

Native American Cartoonist, Ricardo Cate’

Copyright 2014/8/ 21 by cartoonist Ricardo Cate’ Without Reservations


Indian Country Today Media


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