Johnson O’Connor

Historical Books with Aptitude Advice for Modern Times
Johnson O’Connor, a pioneering aptitudes researcher, wrote a number of books (or brochures as they were called) in the 1940s, but the content is still  relevant in today’s world.

For instance, In the Too Many Aptitude Women, O’Connor writes that someone with high creative imagination, inductive reasoning, which is a teaching skill, and average or occasionally high structural visualization might consider volunteering to help an innovative manufacturer re-educate skilled, and semiskilled men and women thrown out of work by  technological advance.

O’Connor further explains that teaching need not imply classroom lecturing, formal assignments and periodic examinations.

In The Unique Individual, the author wrote that someone with the aptitudes and desire to enter packaging design could, instead of competing in a crowded field, take the skills to an industry that has yet to use the concept to their advantage.

O’Connor, J. (1941) The too many aptitude woman. Human engineering laboratory Inc. Boston, Massachusetts.

O’Connor, J. (1948) The unique individual. Human engineering laboratory Inc. Boston, Massachusetts. 




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