What’s the most important aptitude a nurse should possess?
The answer may give you pause if you recall the recent news story in
which a brother donated one of his kidneys to his ailing sister.
The day of the transplant, a nurse accidentally threw the organ
because she thought it was medical waste.
Based solely on a review of the news reports, it seems that there
was a failure to institute a rigorous checklist policy or standardized set of steps, which would be reviewed during the surgical process.
That crucial missing element is not a mistake at the nursing level, but the administrative level as well.
With the Obama health-care bill will come many small-business opportunities to enter various kinds of health care ventures.
Ensuring that one has the right aptitudes, proper training, skills, and knowledge reduces the likelihood of mind boggling errors that make the national news reports.
Answer: According to the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation, the answer is Graphoria, the ability to handle paperwork with ease. One who is detail oriented and skilled at handling records in an efficient manner.
CBS News
How Could a Nurse Throw
out A Kidney Before Transplant?
Understanding Your Aptitudes
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