It started with a bee sting and fear of bees, but by age four, Mikaila Ulmer, found her niche.
In 2021, Ulmer is a 15-year-old CEO of a multi-million-dollar social entrepreneurship company, Me and the Bees lemonade, with a mission to educate teens and assist with the dwindling bee population.
Ulmer’s start-up adventure is featured in an ABC news video. And her account stands out because it gives an insightful overview of how the talented entrepreneur created her product and built her business with help from family and help later from a little-known TV show called Shark Tank.
Previously, Ulmer pursued other ideas but admits they did not work out as well. And she explains why earlier ideas were not successful.
Meanwhile, there’s an often-overlooked issue underscored in the video. Check out the original name of Ulmer’s lemonade. Why was the name changed? See the answer at the end of this post.
Abc7, Localish, July 16, 2020, 3:56 min.–the-bees-mikaila-ulmer-honeybees-honey/6315796/
The original name for the lemonade already belonged to someone else. Not checking the possible history of a name for a start-up before spending money on licensing, sales, business literature, and the product packaging is not an uncommon costly mistake. Check out the website Me And The Bees/about.
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