Why Your Project, Product or Service
Needs the Right Name
You know most, if not all of the popular things, products or companies
on the list that follows.
Mercifully, the original names on the list were changed.
Can you guess their popularly known names now?
1. Atticus
2. Backrub
3. Kutol brand wallpaper cleaner
4. Sweetheart Drops
5. Eppisicle
6. Green Frog
7. German’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. Blabber Blubber
1. Pulitzer Prize novel
To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Google*
3. **Play Doh
4. Hershey Kisses
5. Popsicle
6. Red Lobster
7. **German chocolate cake
Note: The ‘s at the end of German was later dropped.
8. Bubblegum
To Kill a Mockingbird
PBS American Masters
Harper Lee: Hey Boo
*Backrub refers to back linking in Internet lingo, notes author Peter Kent.
Bubblegum Wikipedia
Green Frog: Food Network TV
**Play Doh & German Chocolate Cake
Business pundit.com
Lesson: Choosing a good name for your project, service or product is an important
pre-launch consideration because it signals that you understand the nature of where your
offering fits into the marketplace.
Selecting an awful name can hamper communication between you and potential customers or clients.
You’ll spend a lot of time explaining, which will make little difference because of the elephant in the room…
that name. Even worse, it’s difficult to be inspired or innovate, or see and imagine possibilities
for your idea when the elephant has a turkey of a name.
Sometimes, a naming issue may signal lack of marketing skill or it may be a warning that the idea was poorly thought out and should be re-evaluated.
Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…

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