A. There’s a ton of how-to information online, some better than others.
Some of the key questions that you should know the answer to include the following:
Why do you want to be a blogger?
What skills and knowledge do you have that will assist you in writing your blog?
What skills and knowledge do you have that will assist you in marketing your blog?
What do you want to blog about?
How many other blogs specialize on the same issue?
What aspect(s) of the issue does each blog cover?
Is there a topic or subtopic that is being overlooked that you could cover?
Will there be enough interest in that topic?
What skills and knowledge about blogging don’t you have or know?
How will you learn best or gain the knowhow?
Do you have the skill set and motivation necessary to market your blog successfully?
What skills are needed to succeed as a blogger?
Which blogs do you visit regularly? Why do you visit them?
Create a checklist or illustration board and study your answers for how best to proceed.
Here is a link to a lengthy article with useful content:
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