
RoadTrip Nation

Avoiding Potholes in the Journey Each season, the PBS program RoadTrip Nation features several college students who drive a green RV across the United States. The students visit successful people in different fields and listen to their stories of how they achieved their dreams and goals despite obstacles. RoadTrip Nation helps students grappling with the […]

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Professional Career Changers

Many professionals and executives have left jobs to start their own businesses in fields that have nothing whatsoever to do with their previous post. For example, the anthropology professor who started a cleaning service, or the corporate executive who began driving a lunch truck and wowing hungry street crowds with his cooking skills: gourmet Belgian […]

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Spark of Inspiration

Finding Clues Georgette Heyer had her first novel published at 19 years of age in 1921. She’s considered a pioneer in historical and Regency Romance. And more than eight decades later, Salman Khan started an Internet tutoring service. The Kahn Academy was available free of charge to users in 2006. Test your fact-gathering skills by […]

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M.C. Hammer’s Business Formula for Success

The spectacular success of the hip-hop superstar in the 1990s, his loss of a massive fortune and his current activities in the entrepreneurial world seems baffling, even astonishing, to many people. M. C. Hammer is a frequent lecturer at Harvard, Oxford, Wharton, and Stanford on new social media. A successful entrepreneur and innovator in the high-tech […]

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Five Free Aptitude Tests

Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation The nonprofit organization adapted several career tests for O Magazine. The tests can be downloaded. Information on how to interpret answers is included. No outside supervision or props needed. Reference Test Your Career Strengths Views: 53

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