Dee Adams Online Class Notes
Dee Adams’ Online Class
Research Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs: Update August 2014 Without question an ironic, tragic and complex turn of a case On May 13, nine days after a lawsuit was filed over the royalties in Searching for Sugarman, the director of the documentary reportedly stepped in front of a speeding train in Stockholm. Weeks later, Rodriquez was […]
Dee Adams’ Online Class
How Much Do You Know? 1. When you upload your artistic content to YouTube, you lose the copyright. True or False? 2. During the 1940’s, widespread use of lard as cooking oil decreased, and lard was adopted for use in another industry. Can you guess how? a. Cosmetic formulas b. Pharmaceutical drugs c. Munitions manufacturing […]
Dee Adams’ Online Class
Selected Notes: 2012 How American Educational System Fails Students Countless numbers of young people and adults receive virtually no useful guidance in assessing their skills and talents in the current American educational system. In middle grades and high school, the ratio of 1 counselor for 500 students is not uncommon. Furthermore, many of the counselors lack […]
Critical Thinking for the Budding Entrepreneur
What Would You Do? You open a pizza parlor in a small college town, and business is great. However, the following summer, 20,000 students, your customers, leave town for several months. It’s vacation time. *You overlooked this detail when you bought the restaurant. What will you do for income? The scenario points out two common […]
Free Class Quiz
Class Notes Test Your Critical Thinking & Research Skills Read the previous blog post for Nathaniel Hawthorne. What other factor might explain his lack of financial success during his lifetime? What do River Dance, Del’s Lemonade in Rhode Island, and the franchise Mongolian Barbecue have in common? Beside’s being well known in their respective fields. True […]