Rissi Palmer

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7 Famous People Challenged Racism in Creative Ways

· Editor’s note: This article was first published on Medium in 2021, updated on April 25, 2023, and reposted here with revisions… 2/16/2025 Sam Cooke, CNN article link, and HuffPost link, Sidney Poitier added. 2/6/25, links for Cab Calloway images… 2/12/25…Rissi Palmer’s music and an interview video were added at the end of the sources […]

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Rissi Palmer’s Country Music Path

Rethinking Music Industry Opportunity Last revised 3/8/25 A major takeaway from Rissi Palmer’s  2015 PBS interview includes her skillful ability at honest self-assessment and reexamination of her values after entering a challenging niche in the music business. In 2007, Palmer was the first African-American woman to chart in country music in 20 years. However, the […]

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