Key Step When Evaluating New Business Ideas
A new seller posted the following question
in a forum recently: What is the one piece of advice
you wish you had when you started?
One reply, in particular, from veteran elementary and
middle school teacher and entrepreneur Mark Aaron, stood out
Before spending the many hours needed to create a product or resource, make sure there a possibility that it will actually sell.
That means that the product has relevance to a large group of teachers AND that the site is not already saturated with products that fill that need.
Use your time and energy wisely by reviewing what is already out there and what the need really is, because no matter how great your product is it won’t sell otherwise
Source: Teachers Pay Teachers forum, October 21, 2015.
Invaluable advice that an aspiring entrepreneur should follow
regardless of the field of interest. But many aspiring entrepreneurs
skip the steps Aaron outlined or they gloss over them only to confront
the mistake later when they find the selling process challenging.
To follow Mark Aaron’s wise counsel
will require careful thought, and the ability to use elements
of the skill set of a private eye (investigator) and
those of a marketing specialist.
Be aware that dislike, lack of a certain skill, or lack of know-how likely
play a role in why so many aspiring entrepreneurs disregard the key steps
Aaron outlines.
One solution is to create a personalized
list of steps based on preferences and skills.
- For starters, check out the skill set lists on O* Net and scan the
aptitudes profile on the site.
Note: Charts for these two fields are referenced in Your Natural
Gifts (out of print, Broadley, 2002) - Identify activities on the lists that you dislike but have experience
with and those in which you have no experience, but with practice
and training proficiency can develop. Decide how to get the knowledge needed
Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…
Summary report for Private Detectives, Investigators
Summary report for Market Specialists
What skills are needed to be a private investigator?
Private Investigator
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