Technology Changes Industry
Voiceover acting is now a tech-driven home-based free-lance business, in many cases. Several years ago, you would travel to a studio to record your auditions, but today you’re expected to have quality home equipment in order to create audio auditions for potential clients. Some agents will not represent you if you don’t have the tools, says actor and teacher David Lawrence XVII.
Websites like Voices .com and have sprung up offering online casting services for jobs that don’t require an agent.
Tech-savvy beginners entering the field can get a USB mike for $100 or less on Amazon, but for the high-tech challenged there are costs involved in having a pro set up the software and equipment.
Lesson: When technology is introduced into an existing industry, unfamiliar or different work-related tasks, additional skills or aptitudes are normally required.
Wood, M. (2010, June 17-23). Art a la Tech: Why rehearsal cubes and a card table are no longer the only acting-class aids you’ll need., p. A1-A3.
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