Why A Federal Prosecutor Changed Careers After a Traumatic Incident

Lawyers leave the profession and become entrepreneurs or pursue creative paths for reasons often related to burnout, but professor Paul Butler had a different personal experience that forced him to rethink his career path when he was a federal prosecutor.

Harvard graduate and author of Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice, professor Butler recounted the details on CSpan back in 2009 … themes still topical in 2021.

Why A Federal Prosecutor Changed Careers After a Traumatic Incident


Update: http://apps.law.georgetown.edu/webcasts/eventDetail.cfm?eventID=3122

C-Span 2009: https://www.c-span.org/video/?287523-4/lets-free
Note: This video should be a part of social studies classes across the country.

NPR.org: Former Prosecutor Pens a Hip-Hop Theory of Justice: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120567780Save


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