Why Mothers are Targets for Work-At-Home Scams


Profiting from Cultural Inequality
Employment opportunities for many Americans have disappeared during one of the worst recession since the Depression, as companies outsource their manufacturing capabilities to Asian countries where wages are 60 cents an hour. As a result, you can find street peddlers in Mexico selling straw hats made in China.

In the U.S., one area of financial fallout continues to be the never-ending supply of work-at-home offers from companies who target women with family responsibilities needing to earn an income. Poor economic conditions can trigger necessity-based entrepreneurship for some individuals in cultures such as the U.S., but others may view cultural problems as the inspiration for developing a problem-solving social business.

The Part-Time Bind: Work-from-home scams target mothers searching for the flexibility that traditional employers don’t provide. Sharon Learner, March 22, 2010, senior fellow at New School University & author of
The War on Moms: On Life in a Family- Unfriendly Nation, Wiley & Sons, 2010.


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