Uncovering Creative Niches: 3 Great Examples

When you are the first and must figure things out….

Absolutely fascinating interview with Haben Girma, a disability rights attorney, author, and the first woman to graduate from Harvard Law School despite being born deaf and blind. Insightful takeaways during the 45-minute talk for any student or anyone else attempting to navigate a challenging path.
Book TV (C-Span.org): https://www.c-span.org/video/?463715-1/haben&start=75

How a small town saved itself from economic ruin after big business left
In the 1980s, Colorado townspeople in a small town devised a unique idea to improve their devastated economy. Highlights in the 27-minute PBS segment include an illustration of what happens to a town when the industry leaves. But the focus is why and how the town developed an idea that worked.

Rmbs.org/Colorado experience: http://www.rmpbs.org/coloradoexperience/culture/meeker-classic

A cake like no other
If you think there couldn’t possibly be a new idea for a baked cake, the Flour Shop bakery found it and landed in Forbes Magazine.  Part of the under 30 series by Alexandra Sternlicht.


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