How da Vinci Can Inspire Your Creativity

  • How da Vinci's Can Inspire Your Creativity

    For Leonardo da Vinci,  jotting down
    ideas in a notebook was a regular activity
    Based on da Vinci’s stunning collection of
    notebooks arguably, the painter might
    be considered a pioneer
    of the interactive notebook.

    In the education field, interactive notebooks
    are a popular way for students to learn
    by using the notebooks as a creative tool
    for recording discoveries

    For the independent
    biz education learner…


    Consider adapting elements of an interactive
    notebook to gather information and learn about
    a single topic area.
    For example, learning the vocabulary of a
    new field.
    Or learning a new skill such as podcasting.

    Check out the reference links and
    new Pinterest board for inspiration
    (No financial affiliation).
    Pins include a research paper,
    articles, videos ,and templates
    on notetaking methods from TpT sellers
    selected during a recent online search.

    For individualized journal content,
    you can create interactive lessons lessons
    by choosing themes and
    combining related PDF content.

    Click here for Dee Adams on

    Teachers Pay Teachers

    The habit Branson and Gates swear by

    Leonardo’s Notebooks

    Dee Adams is author of
    FindingYour Niche Discover
    a Profitable Idea for a Business
    at Home or Elsewhere


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