Cory Doctorow’s Laws
How small artists can make a living in the digital age despite
legal and business conflicts with the corporate world is the
primary theme of Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free:
Laws for the Internet Age, by guru, activist
and author Cory Doctorow.
During a recent author discussion, topics, such as copyright,
DRM, and contract issues in the music and publishing industries
were some of the topics included.
For example, once upon a time, many years ago,
new recording artists signed to a record company
had to agree in their contacts to pay the record company
a specified fee out of future royalties for Breakage.
You see, old fashioned records would sometimes break during shipping.
Broken records meant loss of revenue and someone had to reimburse
the company for that loss.
Fortunately, with the invention of the Mp3 the Breakage clause is no longer
required in the industry in the 21st century.…
You’d think so wouldn’t you…?
According to Doctorow, you’d be wrong.…
Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…
Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free:
Laws for the Internet Age
Video and transcript 7322872…about 90 minutes
Note: Interestingly enough, at one major California public library.
there are five times as many people on a waiting list to read
Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free:… in the print edition, versus the reserve list for eBook format
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