Q & A: How Some Entrepreneurs Can Avoid Crowdfunding Pitfalls

Q & A: crowdfunding success tips for beginners

Q:  Whether Kickstarter or a  competing platform,
any advice for someone thinking about
crowdfunding a business project?

A:  Look beyond the hype.  Investigate the skills
and commitment required to succeed in a crowdfunding project.
It’s far more involved than you may realize.

Check out the blog of Business Librarian, Roger Green, New York SBDC,
and two episodes from the PBS show Start Up for more details.

Ramblin with Roger.com
Kapsul-Kickstarter Campaign, June 6, 2018

Kapsul Kickstarter catastrophe: owning mistakes

Start Up: Season 5
Virtual Toys

Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…


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