Q & A: Tips for Aspiring Comedy Writer

Q & A: tIPS FOR Aspirng Comedy Writer

Q: What advice would you give someone
wanting to write humor
for a business industry?
A: Find a mentor.
Identify which genre of writing you excel in
and most enjoy. Example: speeches,
ad campaigns, etc. Identify how your skill
will help the selected target market
And be aware of work-related pitfalls and
how to avoid them when using humor for
commercial purposes. Here’s
a memorable Here’s  a memorable case
noted in  Finding Your Niche Discover…
Dairy puts up hilarious
billboard spoof
of environmental group land
in a very unfunny…and avoidable … lawsuit.
New York Times.com 1993
California dairy takes caricature
one step too far..

Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…