Q: Given the Me Too movement and other gender issues
es, what industries are best for women
with dreams of entrepreneurship?
A: In theory, one should pick a field of interest regardless of gender bias within the industry. Identify possible mentors and influencers. Investigate industry problems beforehand and create a strategy for navigating potholes. Otherwise, based on the issues cited in your question, there would be few fields for women to enter.
Check out the following three related links about women and entrepreneurship in specific industries.
C-Span’s Book TV with journalist and author, Emily Chang, Brotopia: Breaking up the boys’ club of Silicon Valley, Publishers Weekly article about why women become independent publishers, and Marin Tockman of Dashing Bicycle-Bike Shop, the only female-owned bike shop in the southern US, according to PBS program, Startup.
Update: And check out the Get Out There episode from Roadtrip Nation…https://www.pbs.org/video/get-out-there-5u6sgy/
Three unforgettable segments.
Dee Adams is the author of
Finding Your Niche: Discover…
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