Search Results For: Tavis Smiley

Dee Adams’ Online Class: Biz and Aptitude Quiz

Common Inspiration The three inventions listed have one major thing in common. Can you figure out what it is? Chicken & Waffles Levi Strauss Blue Jeans The Point Reyes Blue Cheese Company Dyslexia & Ability True or false? People with the disability dyslexia gravitate to the performing arts industry and tend to avoid business start-ups. […]

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How a New Orleans Baker Became a Film Star

Making Beasts of the Southern Wild There are several cases in which indie films achieved success using bootstrap methods, but Beasts of the Southern Wild has an interesting entrepreneurial slant in that one of the actors in the film was running a cafe in New Orleans before his acting debut. 2012 Benh Zeitlin: “Beasts of the Southern […]

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Creativity & Architecture

Frank Gehry Insightful, sobering, and sometimes amusing recount of how the iconic architect and professor found his niche, despite aptitude challenges, by using using nontraditional methods. Views: 42

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Potholes in the Creative Process

TV Ads Cause Difficulties for Writers Writer-producer Matthew Weiner and David E. Kelly discuss the insane amount of commercials on TV today, and how it disrupts their ability to produce a show. Curious, I decided to survey the amount of ads jammed into many of the programs that I watch. After checking several cable stations, I was shocked at […]

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Chesley Sullenberger

Smooth Sailing Sully Sullenberger knew he wanted to be a pilot from the time he was five years old. He built model airplanes and read everything about aviation that he could get his hands on. By his teens, he was flying. When Sullenberger became an adult pilot, and later experienced cuts in his salary and […]

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Solo Learning Style Musician  Moby provided the closing score for the Jason Bourne movie series. His recent explanation of how his personality impacts the way he works is an almost perfect illustration of why some people are suited to solitary work. About twenty-five percent of the population prefers to work alone, according to aptitude experts. […]

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Q & A

Q. How do I find a good idea for a social business or non-profit organization startup? A. To uncover new ideas, start with a search strategy based on your preferred manner of learning. If you learn by doing, then volunteer in an organization whose goals you believe in and observe what the unmet needs are […]

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Social Business

Women & Children & Poverty This recent three-part confrence on Travis Smiley’s PBS program includes startling statistics,  gives an overview of the problems confronting women and children in poverty in the United States. For aspiring entrepreneurs seeking ideas for a social business, there is a lot of information that could spark ideas for problem-solving social or nonprofit ventures.  […]

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