Famous Black Inventors: How Many Do You Know?

According to Professor Randall Robinson, they trot out the story of George Washington Carver and his peanut discovery every February. And all the many, many, many things about the peanut discovery.

But there are an untold number of other Black inventors who are not mentioned. Focusing on George Washington Carver solely gives a false impression that there were few other Black inventors.

Many peanuts scattered on the ground with an empty basket nearby

Recently, I came across a blog post titled Ten Black Inventors You Should Know. And while I recognized Dr. Charles Drew on the list and was glad to know the story of how he had died after an auto accident in the South was a myth.

I remembered Professor Randall’s words long ago and realized I knew maybe three names from the list of ten inventors below.

Check out the list on Triviagenius. How many names do you know?


Professor Randall’s paraphrased quote was uttered many years ago ( CSPAN)

Triviagenius.com History: 10 Black Inventors, You Should Know, 02/09/2021 – https://www.triviagenius.com/black-inventors-you-should-know/YBM74bkpEQAGVFaW


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