Finding Clues
Georgette Heyer had her first novel published at 19 years of age in 1921. She’s considered a pioneer in historical and Regency Romance.
And more than eight decades later, Salman Khan started an Internet tutoring service. The Kahn Academy was available free of charge to users in 2006.
Test your fact-gathering skills by answering the following question:
Heyer and Khan both found their niches in the same way. Can you figure out what that way was?
The information on Heyer is not as easy to find, depending upon which websites you go to, as is the information on how the Khan Academy got its start.
Heyer made up a bedtime story one night to read to her little brother, and that’s how she discovered her talent for writing.
Khan and Hager were both inspired to pursue their particular talents because they were problem-solving or tending to children and their needs.
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