Career-Changers Find Their Niche in Strange Ways
2 Unusual Cases that Resulted in Entrepreneurship. Strange Cases… View Free Press How Career-Changers Literally Dream Ideas… PR Web View Press Release 2011 New Book Promises to Help Career-Changers with Entrepreneurial Streak Choose the Right Business PR Web View Press Release 2010 Views: 103
Self-Employment Niche Q & A
How to Search for a Unique Home-Based Business* Q. With a background in management in the restaurant and retail industry, and as a daycare owner, with experience in website design, video editing, and tourism, what unique business could I start from home? Hobbies also include sewing and scrapbooking. A. The vocational choices show a pattern […]
Self-Employment Q & A
Budding Entrepreneurs & Government Red Tape Q. I applied for help in starting a business through the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) after suffering a major injury. My application was accepted, but it’s been four years of delay. I have an advocate, but every time we solve one problem the vocational counselor assigned to my case finds […]
How Vincent van Gogh Pursued HisTalent Despite Major Obstacles
Vincent van Gogh 60 Minutes recently rebroadcast a segment on the life of the Dutch impressionist painter. The poignant and tragic life of the great artist underscores a number of important lessons. One could argue that van Gogh’s vocational journey illustrates major tenets of aptitude science and the importance of recognizing and following one’s innate […]
How a New Orleans Baker Became a Film Star
Making Beasts of the Southern Wild There are several cases in which indie films achieved success using bootstrap methods, but Beasts of the Southern Wild has an interesting entrepreneurial slant in that one of the actors in the film was running a cafe in New Orleans before his acting debut. 2012 Benh Zeitlin: “Beasts of the Southern […]
Self-Employment Q & A
Relocating for Opportunity Q. I am considering a move across country. Which states would be best for self-employment? A. It depends on your goals. Some states might not be on a fast track for self-employment growth, but will offer resources that you can’t find elsewhere. For instance, only a few states, such as Maine and New […]
New Product Ideas
One Way to Profit from Consumer Complaints People with disabilities couldn’t find the entertainment books they wanted to read through public libraries, such as cookbooks, thrillers, and romance novels. The publishing industry routinely offered bibles and health-related subject matter for that market segment. A large print publisher decided to solve the problem and profited handsomely by producing […]
To Hell on a Fast Horse: Unsual History Presentation
Historian Mark Gardner does more than lecture about stories of the Old West from his new book To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West. Audiences fascinated by the subject hear Gardner play and sing classic songs from a bygone western era. […]
Native American Food Products
Niches in the Food Industry Two examples of how history, cultural practices, and customs inspire different ventures in the food industry. Blueberry barbecue sauce and bison ribs for starters. Or Indian tacos and fry bread… Views: 11