Disability Infographic

The Hidden Facts of Disability You Should Know Attorney Nancy L. Cavey offers an educational and sobering overview of disability issues in an infographic format. http://www.caveylaw.com/the-hidden-facts-of-disability-infographic/ Small wonder that self-employment is a goal for a segment of the population when disability becomes a challenge.. Note:A 120-page version of Changing Your Work or Career… will be […]

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Birth Order & the Inner Child

Cristela Alonzo   Comedian Cristela Alonzo is the first Latina to write and produce a TV show. And she recently recounted her life story on ABC TV’s the View: Alonzo left home at age 18 despite her mother’s tears and pleading for her not to go. They didn’t speak for more than a year after, […]

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Name Game Puzzle

Choosing the Right Name  Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from a new worksheet set available in Pdf later this month. Note: Do not Use Goggle to answer the questions that follow. Apart from my own searches for a great title or name, back in 2004, I once earned a two-hundred-dollar consulting fee by correctly […]

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Bread, Cookies & Popsicles

Finding the Hidden Theme The three examples that follow share an interesting theme not apparent at first glance. Can you figure out what it is? Update next week Otis Spunkmeyer Views: 15

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How An 8-Year Old Discovered Her Talent for Design

The Start of the Fish Flops Company Madison Nicole Robinson was a third grader when she came up with the idea for what is now a million-dollar company. Last month, Robinson, now 16, visited the Steve Harvey Show and shared the early design sketch that launched her company. It’s a three minute segment [humor included]: […]

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Rose O’Neill

The Case of the Telltale Trademark   Kewpie & the Little Browns, July 1912, Rose O’Neill Many art or  business students have never heard of Rose O’Neill. A child prodigy, multi-talented artist, and advocate for women rights and racial equality, O’Neill amassed great wealth only to see her work plagiarized by countless others, including a […]

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Tech Update: Hard Drive Replaced

This is Going to Be Fun! After more than a month offline,  my XP laptop had a hard drive overhaul and arrived late yesterday. Now I must work with Mozy to reconstruct all my files. Eeep! But I hate to think what would have happened without my Mozy Pro subscription. Meanwhile, I plan to complete […]

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Tech Drama

Replacement Equipment Arrived with the wrong operating system. Posting will resume next week. Will post later about environmental challenges and the Made in America confusion. Views: 8

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Lessons From A Reluctant Author

Run, Don’t Walk… A new book by Adele Levine, Run, Don’t Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center, has been compared with iconic TV programs such as MASH. But even though physical therapist Adele Levine wrote humor articles for the Washington Post, she had no , interest in […]

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Robin Williams

Good…Morning…Vietnam! While writing the chapter on aptitudes for FYN, I wanted to use a perfect description to describe what I’d learned about the innate ability called Ideaphoria and no one but Williams instantly came to mind. No one seemed to match the electrifying uncanny skill set of Williams. Someone who could transform a simple three […]

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